Thursday, December 4, 2008


If I had the power to pardon people, I think that I would definately pardon the people who actually had an unfair trial. From what I understand, pardons have been viewed as sort of unfair, and to save political reputations. I would pardon people who didn't have the right to a fair trial because I think that is one of the most important rights we should have in our country; the right to a fair and unbiased trial. I think pardons such as the Watergate scandal are ridiculous. Politicians messed up and should be responsible for their actions, and be punished. If people did wrong-doings in our country, they shouldn't be pardoned. Having the power would mean that I would need to use something sort of like judicial restraint. I would put personal relationships and other affairs aside to decide what is fair to those who asked to be pardoned.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Equal Opportunity to Govern

I agree that naturalized citizens should be elegible for things such as governors, senators, statesmen/women, but I don't think they should be elegible to be president. When I picture the President of the United States, I picture someone who was born in the United States and knows what it is like to grow up as an American family. Although it may sound shallow, I believe that our president should be born inour country. That would be like me being able to be the President of Spain. I think having other responisblilties in the country as a naturalized citizen would be an honor, and being president would be even more of an honor, but I do not think that they should have the opportunity.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Palin Rally

Even though John McCain and Sarah Palin didn't win, it was still really neat to see Sarah Palin in person speaking at Hurkcamp Park. Despite the coldness factor, and the rain, there was a huge turnout of different groups of people. There was the big man in the overalls and the clean-cut Southern gentleman behind me. It was neat to see such a mix of people. I was reallu surprised by how many young people showed up. I saw people there that live in my neighborhood and that I've played sports with that I haven't seen in awhile.

As far as Sarah acutally speaking, I think that her speech wasn't as exciting as I anticipated. I've never heard about Tito the Construction Worker, but I thought that was a little bit not P.C. Joe the Plumber works, but Tito the Construction Worker? I thought that was a little weird. She was dressed nicely and I thought it would good that she didn't necessarilly bash the Democrats the whole time, which was great to me. I didn't want it to get childish, and Ifelt like it wasn't.

Overall, I really enjoyed going to the rally more than I expected.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Obama's Advisors

I think that Obama will primarily be working with the Treasury Department and the Justice Department. Working closely with the Treasury Department will help get us closer to fixing our economic problems. Since Obama really wants to continue the search for bin Laden, I think that he will be looking for advising from the Justice Department. The Justice Department will not only help to keep Obama safe, but they also have the technology to find bin Laden and protect our country as a whole.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Election Results

I'm really glad that Obama won. I think it's awesome. Our country needs a change and I think he will be the perfect person for it. Looking at the polls, I was a little scared at like 7:00. My stepdad turned CNN on and McCain had 8 electoral college votes and Obama had 3. Although it wouldn't have been horrible if McCain won, I'm excited for the changes that will hopefully arise.

I think it's so awesome that this is such a crucial point in my life (senior year) and that I was alive to see such an amazing thing in history. The first black president of the United States. Yesterday on the bus, I was talking to Jamie, Nicholas and Mrs. Nobles about the election. Mrs.Nobles told us that Obama was elected president and the world still went on. Thats a huge deal. People are ok with having a black president, at least the people that I have met. I'm really excited for these next 4 years.

Friday, October 31, 2008

Should the Voting AGe be Lowered to Sixteen?

I don't think that the voting age should be lowered in America. Even though it would get more people involved in politics at an older age, I feel as though people our age do not know exactly what goes on in Washington. I think 18 is the perfect age because legally the person is an adult. They have adult rights, they can support themselves, they can make their own choices, and they are more independent. I think that if a sixteen year old were to vote, they would be swayed by their parents' political views. As the handout brought up, high school students usually don't complete civics or government until their junior or senior year. Typically, a sixteen year old is a sophomore in high school or a beginning junior. In other countries, such as Tanzania, I say go for the lowering the voting age. If the children are done with school and their life expectancy is shorter, why not be able to vote? But as for America, I think that the voting age should say exactly where it is now.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Should the Electoral College be reformed?

Question 1: No- I think no because it will just make everything even more confusing (is that even possible?) if it is reformed.

Questions 2: No: I still think that it shouldn't be reformed. After reading the "No" side of things, it kind of makes me agree that it is ridiculous that the vote in Wyoming is 3 times more powerful than that of California. The Electoral College doesn't represent everyone in America as well. Maybe it should be reformed?

Question 3: I said yes. I think that it should be reformed even though the vote may represent the more populated region.

Question 4: I think no. Why not let there be political stability? If there is a clear election winner, people will be able to accept the new leader and thus it will be more stable.

Question 5: No